Contact Spencer Douglas

Feel free to contact me, Spencer Douglas, by email or on one of my social media profiles, which you can find at the bottom of this page. I’m always happy to chat about anything related to business, real estate (affordable housing especially), or education. If you want to learn more about my current projects, head back to my home page. Don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions – I look forward to hearing from you!

Email: [email protected]

Contact Spencer Douglas for any business inquiries.

Let’s Work Together!

You Are A Business. Freelancer.

URA Business Inc.

URA Business Inc. is a company I founded in 2023. The business operates almost entirely remotely, providing services that help freelancers and small businesses. Our vision is to empower people to realize their true worth and help them save time for what matters most. At the core of our values is a deep concern for individuals, ensuring they don’t have to settle for unfulfilling employment that fails to recognize their unique contributions.


Interior decorating, grey and blues for minimalism.

Appreciated Estates Inc.

Welcome to Appreciated Estates Inc. – another company I founded in 2023. We operate within Simcoe County and the surrounding areas. We aim to increase the value of our clients homes, as well as improve their lives by reducing clutter. Our long-term goal is to make every home in Simcoe County pleasant to live in and affordable for tenants. We aim to achieve this by eliminating illegal and unappealing apartments, which create significant disparities in the rental market.

Consider Appreciated Estates Inc. for your real estate needs. Need help increasing your home’s value or rental income? We offer interior decorating, home staging, interior design, professional organizing, and real estate photography, including drone photography, to assist you on this journey.

We will appreciate it. You will appreciate it even more.